




Physical Education Professional, Stress. Physical exercise. Sedentary, Philosophy


Taking Inclusive Education as a reference, the adapted student and their representation in the job market. With the aim of analyzing the languages of the adapted student as a place of speech and their place of speech in Brazilian society. Philosophy as a place of speech in relation to contribution from the perspective of those who qualify for the job market. The stages of the research were argued systematically by Literature Review in narrative format, because with regard to the peculiarity, supposedly, installed in society regarding people with disabilities, presumably, the stages converge towards ignorance. In this way, Theory and Practice: Focal Paradigm of the Physical Education Professional presents the problem of how to identify the adapted student with a place of speech in the contemporary paradigms of those who practice physical exercise. Highlighting the adapted student with Dissociative Disorders in the face of crises in Brazilian society. Thus, the languages of the adapted student who studies. It is increasingly necessary to use in practice what is learned in theory, and not just have a theory to justify the practice in a disconnected way.


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Taking Inclusive Education as a reference, the adapted student and their representation in the job market. With the aim of analyzing the languages of the adapted student as a place of speech and their place of speech in Brazilian society. Philosophy as a place of speech in relation to contribution from the perspective of those who qualify for the job market. The stages of the research were argued systematically by Literature Review in narrative format, because with regard to the peculiarity, supposedly, installed in society regarding people with disabilities, presumably, the stages converge towards ignorance. In this way, Theory and Practice: Focal Paradigm of the Physical Education Professional presents the problem of how to identify the adapted student with a place of speech in the contemporary paradigms of those who practice physical exercise. Highlighting the adapted student with Dissociative Disorders in the face of crises in Brazilian society. Thus, the languages of the adapted student who studies. It is increasingly necessary to use in practice what is learned in theory, and not just have a theory to justify the practice in a disconnected way.



Prenant avec moi référence l’éducation inclusive, l’étudiant adapté et sa représentation sur le marché du travail. Dans le but d'analyser les langues de l'étudiant adapté comme lieu de parole et leur lieu de parole dans la société brésilienne. La philosophie comme lieu de parole par rapport à la contribution du point de vue de ceux qui sont qualifiés pour le marché du travail. Les étapes de la recherche ont été argumentées exclusivement par la Revue de la Littérature sous forme narrative, car en ce qui concerne la particularité soi-disant installée dans la société à l'égard des personnes handicapées, les étapes convergent vraisemblablement vers l'ignorance. De cette manière, Théorie et pratique : paradigme focal du professionnel de l'éducation physique présente le problème de savoir comment identifier l'élève adapté avec une place de parole dans les paradigmes contemporains de ceux qui pratiquent l'exercice physique. Mettre en lumière l'étudiant adapté atteint de troubles dissociatifs face aux crises de la société brésilienne. Ainsi, les langues de l’étudiant adapté qui étudie. Il est de plus en plus nécessaire d’utiliser dans la pratique ce qui est appris en théorie, et non seulement d’avoir une théorie pour justifier la pratique de manière décousue.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES DE BRITO, C., & FERNANDES GOMES , W. D. (2024). TEORIA E PRÁTICA: PARADIGMA FOCAL DO PROFISSIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA. Fiep Bulletin - Online, 94(1), 685–697. https://doi.org/10.16887/fiepbulletin.v94i1.6758

